Course: Proposed Rule on Profits and Related Basis Adjustments based on this document from the Federal Register: This document contains proposed regulations regarding previously taxed earnings and...
FAA Airworthiness Directive Compliance for Airbus Helicopters
Gain crucial insights into the FAA’s Airworthiness Directive 2025-03-02 for Airbus Helicopters. This course equips you with the knowledge to conduct essential checks and replacements on the hoist shear-button safety-cap, thereby addressing safety concerns. Learn the specific compliance requirements to prevent unintended activations and ensure operational safety.
In this course you will learn the following:
* Understand the purpose and scope of AD 2025-03-02.
* Identify the key requirements and actions mandated by the directive.
* Recognize the consequences of non-compliance with the AD.
Additional information
Federal Register Title | Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters. Document Number: 2025-02027 |
Course SKU | FR-25-953-1 |
Why This Course Is Important | Without this course, you risk non-compliance with FAA regulations, potential penalties, and compromised safety in helicopter operations. |