Course: Proposed Rule on Profits and Related Basis Adjustments based on this document from the Federal Register: This document contains proposed regulations regarding previously taxed earnings and...
FAA Airworthiness Directive Compliance for Boeing 757 Series
This comprehensive course equips aviation professionals with essential knowledge of the FAA’s new airworthiness directive affecting Boeing 757-200 series airplanes. Gain insight into the specific inspection and repair procedures for cargo door hinge areas to prevent structural integrity issues. Ensure safety and compliance by learning about mandatory high frequency eddy current inspections and corrective actions to address potential cracks.
In this course you will learn the following:
* Understand the purpose and scope of the new airworthiness directive.
* Identify the key compliance requirements and deadlines.
* Recognize the potential consequences of non-compliance.
Additional information
Federal Register Title | Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes. Document Number: 2025-02395 |
Course SKU | FR-25-1180-1 |
Why This Course Is Important | Without this course, you risk non-compliance with FAA regulations, potentially leading to safety hazards and operational penalties. |