Course: Proposed Rule on Profits and Related Basis Adjustments based on this document from the Federal Register: This document contains proposed regulations regarding previously taxed earnings and...
FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements for International Repair Stations
Ensure your repair station’s compliance with the FAA’s latest drug and alcohol testing requirements for overseas operations. This course covers the essential components of the final rule mandating testing programs for safety-sensitive employees, offering strategies for implementation, compliance pathways, and insights into the potential repercussions of non-compliance. Gain the expertise needed to align your operations with regulatory standards and maintain your station’s certification.
In this course you will learn the following:
* Understand the scope and purpose of the FAA’s final rule on drug and alcohol testing.
* Identify the key requirements and deadlines for compliance.
* Implement actionable steps to ensure compliance with the rule.
* Recognize the consequences of non-compliance, including legal and financial repercussions.
Additional information
Federal Register Title | Drug and Alcohol Testing of Certificated Repair Station Employees Located Outside of the United States. Document Number: 2024-29837 |
Course SKU | FR-24-1134-1 |
Why This Course Is Important | By not enrolling, you risk operational disruptions and legal penalties due to non-compliance with FAA regulations. |