Course: Proposed Rule on Profits and Related Basis Adjustments based on this document from the Federal Register: This document contains proposed regulations regarding previously taxed earnings and...
Marine Mammal Protection in U.S. Navy’s Hawaii-Southern California Training Activities
This course provides an in-depth look at the regulations governing the incidental take of marine mammals during U.S. Navy training and testing activities in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT) Study Area. Learn about the Navy’s operational needs, the species affected, and the mitigation measures in place to protect marine life while maintaining national security readiness.
In this course you will learn the following:
* Understand the background and purpose of the final rule.
* Identify the specific Navy training and testing activities covered.
* Describe the marine mammal species and stocks potentially affected.
* Explain the potential impacts of the Navy’s activities on marine mammals.
* Detail the mitigation and monitoring measures required.
* Recognize the role and importance of public participation in the rulemaking process.
* Understand the potential for changes to the rule based on public input.
Additional information
Federal Register Title | Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the U.S. Navy Training and Testing Activities in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Study Area. Document Number: 2024-31402 |
Course SKU | FR-25-545-1 |
Why This Course Is Important | Failing to participate in this course may result in a lack of understanding about the critical balance between military readiness and marine mammal conservation, and the regulatory measures in place to support both. |